.... when I've lost my teeth. (Waiting for dentures)
Well. This a bit of a ridiculous apology for a long absence.
Oh and also "homage" to Toni with his many chequered musical analogies. He's not as old as our mum though. Click BLUSH . See what we mean ??
By the way Redgirls are VERY jealous of Diesel's social life. And Radio's. And Charlie's. And Hamish's. And Ziggi's.
So. We just needed to say that we are still here. And always checking out all of your blogs. And loving them. And looking forward to having something interesting to tell you about.
Redgirls doing mwah things. XXX
hey redgirls glad to hear from you. Don't worry i would much rather be living in scotland with all those lovely walks where i don't have to see dogs so there is at least one of us who is envious.
Glad you are still very much alive and kicking.
me too, i am joining ziggi's commen's here. would very much like to be in scotland. no roads, not much of anything, really. just peace and time to read and think and have fun running after birds. ... paradise?
but then again.....hmmm.....err....
hey, we thought you had left the country! really glad to hear you are still here and we miss your entries! (checking every day).
Awww. Redgirls like to be missed. Bigs up our profile. Just so long as Radio and Ziggi (and others soon we hope .. sniff! Where are y'all?)remember how .. well.. special we are.
We do like to keep our boys (+ dear Ziggi) on their toes. Yes.
Oh and Scotland really nothing to write home about. Yawn.
left a message of radio's blog about your kitten problem :)
p.s petal cleanse is apparently v good
Yes I still come check out your blog daily too Redgirls! I was fond of the pic with the sunglasses but looking forward to your latest antics! I think summer is a bit quiet for us all :-) And get that new kitten!
Hey ladies! Lookin good on the blog. I'm sure mum will still need you & feed you forever. Wish I could come play with you.
Hello Redgirls,
it is good to see you blogging again.
If you get bored in Scotland why don't you try hunting for wild haggis?
Anthony is dearly wishing Elaine had not mentioned "Antonia" on a certain discussion group.
He is also surprised he had not noticed a new post on Redgirls blog as he checks nearly every day but he has been doing "year end" stuff this week.
Though he is very pleased that Redgirls noticed his musical titles and he says there is a prize for anyone who can explain the "Sex and drugs and funk and soul" one which is his personal favourite.
Oh,he likes the Beetles too,not just because they are from the best city in the world either.
Hello dear Antn'y, tone (but we still like Toni best) Di here (redgirls AFK asleep yey .. won't last long)you are freaking me. COS. Guess wot in my idle moments today I have been giggling about. Yes a post about haggis hunting. Honestly and truly. I swear. Have been thinking of props. And three legs.And Plaid. And swirling mist.Well anyway I (Di) think that is truly weird.
What is the prize for correctly guessing the "sex and drugs and funk and soul" post(we might know the answer)We hope the prize is a wothwhile one.
Hello Di,
Diesel is also A.F.K.,he is dreaming about something and talking in his sleep,I am sure he said "Redgirls,plaid,grrr" a moment ago.
If you can work out that title,the prize is a magnum of scotch mist which you can use to celebrate the success of your haggis hunt.
Also a signed photo of Diesel pointing at a suspected wild haggis.
allo allo...di, furthermore, i notice your link list is not yet updated ;-)))))
toni aka anthony&antonia...aka diesel...
on a serious note: radio has been playing with a rescue saluki x called ajax. and guess what, ajax's owner works woth lou, jasper's owner. she is still so sad about his death...so am i ... but what a coincidence?
Soon will have a bit more time on my hands and will update links. Promise !
Poor Lou. But did you know that she is expecting a baby this month ? They were so looking forward to being one big happy family .. with Jasper at the helm. Yes as you say so sad.
hmm. seems redgirls have taken to knitting, for they haven't typed for ages?
maybe Redgirls have an end of year too.
Apparently that is why my blog has not been updated for a while even though my boss spends a lot of time on his computer every night.
Personally I thought the year end was December.
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